Your child’s education is your greatest investment.

Tuition Costs

  • To qualify: child must be 2 by August 18th, 2025. Children do not have to be potty trained for this class. No scholarships offered for these ages. This is a Mother’s Morning Out program from 8:30a-12:30p.

    • Monday-Thursday: $600/month

    • Two Days (Tu/Th, M/W): $350/month

  • *All children must be potty trained. This program is offered from 8:30am-12:30pm for homeschool families wanting Spanish enrichment. Scholarships are not available for this program.

    • Monday-Thursday: $500/month

    • Two Days (Pre-K Only): $300/month

  • This is our full-time program that will expand through middle school. Students in this program will be able to apply for the NC Opportunity Scholarship to cover a large portion of tuition and fees. *Apply for this scholarship between Feb. 6-March 6.

    • Price per year per student is $7,920 paid over 11 months at $720 month.

    • Payments are due by the 1st of every month starting July 1st for August.

    • $200 is due at enrollment as a deposit and will be subtracted from the first tuition payment. There are no refunds for this deposit.


    • Sibling 1 Discount: $300/year

    • Sibling 2 Discount: $200/year

    • Sibling 3+ Discount: $100/year

  • Uniforms: Each student will need to have uniform sets. Plan to spend between $100-150. We plan to offer a uniform exchange in the future to cut prices. Uniforms are pre-k to 1st grade.

    Curriculum & Technology Fee: $200

NC Opportunity Scholarship

NC Opportunity Scholarship

If you are considering private schooling as an option and want to apply for a scholarship for up to 94% of your tuition, you must apply between February 1st and March 1st. Get on our email list for updates.